Saturday, April 24, 2010

Response: "What Employers Want to See on Your Resume"

"Resumes are horrible documents, premature and unsentimental obituaries: our lives are rarely reduced to such a small number of facts," writes Guy Kawasaki, author of "The Macintosh Way."

The post, "What Employers Want to See on Your Resume," which can be found on his blog, is a hilarious chunk of advice on the perilous task of building a perfect and professional resume.

Kawasaki acknowledges that, yes, writing a resume can be daunting and dreadful. And reading resumes, as an employer, can be an even greater pain in the ass (especially if it it's a bad resume.) Still, Kawasaki makes an excellent point: resumes are--without a doubt--invaluable when grabbing an interviewer's attention and securing a job.

Here is a list of his Do's:

So what is a bad resume? Kawasaki's examples of things to avoid correspond with everything my professors have told me:

1.DON'T include photos.

2.DON'T misspell words.

3.DON'T make it wordy.

4.DON'T list generic skills.

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